Budget Tools

Creating a budget is essential for managing your personal finances effectively. It helps you understand where your money is going, including large expenses, small expenses, necessities, and luxuries. By budgeting, you can identify areas to cut spending, save for short and long-term goals, and develop a plan to pay down debt. Essentially, a budget puts you in control of your finances. To get started, use our calculators and pre-made budgeting worksheets, which simplify the process by allowing you to track your expenses each month. Just fill in your numbers and start managing your budget right away.

To assist you in creating a budget, we have Certified Credit Union Financial Counselors (CCUFC) available to help you develop a personalized spending plan, manage bills, and reduce debt. For one-on-one support, you can conveniently schedule an appointment either by phone or in person at your local member center. Contact us for more details. Additionally, we offer Budgeting 101 to further support your financial planning.



Starting a Family? It's Time to Begin Your Financial Planning Video
It’s Important To Learn About Managing Your Money While In College Video
Ready To Start A Family? It’s Time To Change Your Spending And Savings Habits Video
Beacon Credit Union and Money IQ

Money IQ

Think of Money IQ as a monthly online magazine full of educational videos and articles – a personal financial literacy and identity theft educational publication, for you, our valued members.

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Credit Sense

Because your credit score impacts so many aspects of your financial life, Beacon Credit Union has made it easier to monitor. Credit Sense, powered by SavvyMoney, is available in our Online Banking and Mobile Banking apps. This free service is designed to help you stay on top of your credit. The benefits of checking your score today include various abilities.

  • Receive monitoring alerts

  • Identify credit bureau errors

  • View best rates available for you based on your score

  • Receive tips on how to improve your score

  • Using Credit Sense monthly, weekly or even daily will not hurt your credit score

  • Use the Credit Score Simulator to test how your score might be affected by actions like paying of credit cards


Credit Sense is a comprehensive Credit Score program offered by Beacon Credit Union, that helps you stay on top of your credit. You get your latest credit score and report, an understanding of key factors that impact the score, and can see the most up to date offers that can help reduce your interest costs. With this program, you always know where you stand with your credit and how Beacon Credit Union can help save you money.

Credit Sense Credit Report provides you all the information you would find on your credit file including a list of open loans, accounts and credit inquiries. You will also be able to see details on your payment history, credit utilization and public records that show up on your account.

No. Credit Sense is entirely free and no credit card information is required to register.

As long as you are a regular online banking user, your credit score will be updated every month and displayed in your online banking screen. You can select “refresh score” as frequently as every day by navigating to the detailed Credit Sense site from within online banking.

Credit Sense pulls your credit profile from TransUnion, one of the three major credit reporting bureaus, and uses VantageScore 3.0, a credit scoring model developed collaboratively by the three major credit bureaus: Equaifax, Experian, and TransUnion. This model seeks to make score information more uniform between the three bureaus to provide consumers a better picture of their credit health.

No. Checking with Credit Sense is a “soft inquiry”, which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use “hard inquiries” to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Accessing your credit score is fast and easy. Once you’ve logged into online banking or the mobile app, locate Credit Sense in the menu. To enroll, you must first answer a few questions to verify your identity, and then agree to the terms and conditions. After agreeing, your credit score will display each time you log in.

Financial Calculators

Use our financial calculators to realize interest on savings, compare borrowing costs and plan for your future.


Take this 15 minute questionnaire to organize your information on income, debt, and expenses, and SavvyMoney will give you an easy to understand financial analysis of your current financial situation including: debt to income ratios, debt payment ratios, and a budget analysis. Along with strategies and products Beacon offers that can help you where you need it most.